ReSOLVE Summer Development Progress update

resolve - the social landlords complaints management system You may recall from my earlier blog post on  24th May that I talked about the planned development changes in the ReSOLVE application, to include reports that provide the data required for HouseMark Complaints benchmarking.

As it happens the rota for my blog date has fallen within the same week as the next phase of development for the changes.

The work scheduled for this week is to develop the database and the changes required behind the scenes to include the relevant data for reporting and integrate it into the ReSOLVE application.

Following this week’s work we will then be running various internal tests to make sure that the application is ready to be installed on customer sites.

We expect that the update to be ready for installation from week commencing 9th August.

Following on from the ReSOLVE release, HouseMark will be activating an automatic upload facility in autumn so that you can upload your benchmarking statistics directly into their website, rather than spend time inputting the figures manually.

For details of costs and to schedule your upgrade please contact the ReACT and ReSOLVE team on 0121 384 2513 and select option 4.

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