ReSOLVE summer development

ReSOLVE complaints software for social housing landlordsIt’s not all about anti-social behaviour here in ReACT towers; we also have the ReSOLVE application which offers a way in which organisations can log and monitor general complaints about the service provided.

My current project in the product management aspects of my role is to analyse the HouseMark General Complaints Benchmarking Guidance manual and translate that into the required changes for the ReSOLVE application.

Incorporating these changes will not only keep ReSOLVE at the forefront of logging complaints and the related procedures within the housing world but it will also mean that any users reporting to HouseMark General Complaints benchmarking system will have a report providing all of the relevant data fully labelled ready to be inputted into the HouseMark website.

Things won’t be staying there, oh no sirree, during the following phase we will integrate a short routine which will import your benchmarking statistics directly into the HouseMark website.

So what amendments to the software will we be introducing to meet these requirements?

These are the following key development changes…

  1. A “Service request” flag per complaint will be available so that an organisation can segregate between complaints and requests for service.
  2. Cases can be categorised and reported upon based on resolution types such as “Upheld”, “Not Upheld”, and “Partially Upheld”.
  3. A fully configurable “Service area” list will be available so that an organisation can analyse and report upon complaints within key service areas of the business such as “Allocation”, “Repairs and Maintenance”, and “Housing Support Services”.
  4. A “HouseMark General Complaints Benchmarking Preview Report” will be available within the ReSOLVE application so that each and every one of the performance indicators within the guidance manual can be reported upon by any date range so not only is it useful for HouseMark benchmarking it is also perfect for internal KPI reporting.
  5. A “HouseMark General Complaints Benchmarking Upload” facility will allow all indicators to be uploaded directly from within the ReSOLVE application to prevent vast volumes of work in terms of collecting the data and then entering it into the HouseMark website.

As well as the changes introduced to tie in with HouseMark Benchmarking we also introducing some changes to greatly improve the efficiency of logging complaints and escalating complaints to closure to give staff more time to deal with complaints and less time spent logging the complaints.  These changes include the following…

  1. A rapid case entry screen which allows complaints to be logged from within one screen, and straightforward “Expressions of dissatisfaction” / “Service requests” / “Compliments” can be logged and closed within the same screen.
  2. An “Escalate” button will be available within the action page so that if a complaint needs to escalate to the next stage it can be escalated and the subsequent actions will automatically be created from a single button click.

The next release of ReSOLVE will incorporate the above features and is currently in the design and specification stage.  Development and testing will take place over the summer months. We will be publicizing the release date on the blog and letting customers know, via their account manager.

To find out more about ReSOLVE, please visit our product page, or request a brochure.

2 Responses to ReSOLVE summer development

  1. […] Summer Development Progress update  You may recall from my earlier blog post on  24th May that I talked about the planned development changes in the ReSOLVE application, to include […]

  2. […] may recall from my earlier blog post on  24th May that I talked about the planned development changes in the ReSOLVE application, to include […]

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