SLCNG Awards 2011

November 10, 2011

It was another successful conference this year, with a record number of attendees and a great awards dinner at the St John’s Hotel, Solihull.

Mike and Kate attended the two-day conference and were delighted to see so many delegates contributing to the discussions, sharing both concerns and good practice. There was a general feeling of organisations doing so much for communities and applying the localism bill; however, the tools aren’t always available to complete work.

It was disappointing that Minister Grant Shapps was unable to attend at the last hour; delegates were looking forward to getting some answers for some of their long-standing questions. Baroness Helen Newlove proved to be a worthy replacement, speaking of her tragic loss and work she does to help communities tackle anti-social behaviour. However, there was a general feeling that questions couldn’t be asked of Baroness Newlove – landlords want answers and guidance from government about the direction of tackling ASB.

And the winner is…

Powerful video clips were shown of the shortlisted nominees for the SLCNG Awards 2011, prior to the awards ceremony. With 300 people in attending the dinner, there was both passion and interest in the room for the work on display.

Congratulations to all four categories and to the runners-up.  The work that is being done is fantastic.

An entertaining after dinner speaker, Chief Political Correspondent for Radio 5 Live, John Pienaar completed a great first day at SLCNG Conference 2011.

 By Kate Hill

Can you fight ASB with a DVD or a tweet?

October 27, 2011

Twitter update

Image by michperu via Flickr

Three-quarters of people arrested for rioting this summer were under 25 and 90% of them were homeless (Guardian stats). Whilst this was not a surprise, it was a wake-up call for society about the problems of the “Neet generation”.  The Government promptly produced a guide for tackling gang violence and pledged more money for solving the problem. A lot of attention was drawn to the cuts in youth services and charity funding for unemployed youngsters. But very little was said about initiatives that are proven to work.

Here at ReACT, we often keep an eye on what Housing Associations are doing to tackle ASB and improve their tenant’s lives. Here are our top four picks:

1. Acceptable Behaviour Contracts: These are popular and widespread, but statistics are hard to come by. Kirklees Council published the results of their three-year scheme, back in May with an encouraging 75% success rate across 660 interventions.

2. The multi-media approach: The Vale of Glamorgan uses a combination of letters, meeting and DVDs to educate misbehaving youngsters about the error of their ways. The DVD features young people who volunteered to talk about their regret at causing ASB. It is hoped that the video will help change the offender’s behavior, before the council applies for an ASBO. Video testimonials are considered a powerful way to alter behavior by the advertising industry and may have the same effect her

3. The social media approach: Landlords can only tackle ASB when they are told about it. The trick is trying to involve the community, with falling responses to postal surveys and estate walks. In response, housing officers have increased their communications to Twitter and Facebook, as a way to reach the younger, mobile generation. Wherry Housing and Solihull Community Housing have already reported success with this approach, from panel discussions to ASB Consultations. Read the full article in the Guardian.

 4. The activity club: Youth schemes are popular, but their achievements are rarely backed up with hard data. Grantham’s Police Force proved to be the exception to the rule, setting up a summer activity club to explicitly reduce anti-social behavior. They exceeded their target, with the full backing of the community.   

In each case, the council or housing association had a target or measure in mind, when they set up the scheme – making it easier to manage and monitor the results. Have you done the same in your community? Let us know about your success, via the comment box, below!

By Natalie Phillips

NIFHA conference 2011 – how it went

October 18, 2011

ReACT at NIFHA 2011Kate and Mike went to the Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations (NIFHA) Annual Conference and Exhibition on 13th and 14th October (as reported on 10th October).

Over 100 delegates and a sold out exhibition had an early start at La Mon Hotel in open countryside near Belfast. There was a full programme and delegates took every opportunity to view the exhibition and talk to those of us waiting patiently on our stands for each refreshment break when we could promote our products, in our case ReACT 4.We are very hopeful of adding new customers to our existing user base of three housing associations in NI.

It was most helpful to have Sharon and Nick Mackley from Social Landlords Crime and Nuisance Group, also on their first foray to Northern Ireland, alongside us especially as they very kindly transported our exhibition material thus allowing us to take the easy option of flying.

Over the two days interesting speakers joined the conference to offer their influences, of those including the Minister for Social Development, Nelson McCausland and the Chair of NI Housing Executive, Brian Rowntree, who both helped in giving us a greater understanding of the current housing activity in NI; with uncertainty of merges with neighbouring associations, directors and staff look to each other for guidance. The NI Executive are also waiting patiently to hear what the minister will decide for its future; suggestions of a split to include a strategic outlet and an operational landlords division seem to be at the forefront. David Orr Chief Executive from the National Housing Federation also joined the conference on the second day to share his experiences of change in England and the ways to adapt and deal with changing needs, demography in a challenging financial climate.

Strong feelings of uncertainty suggest that the associations are looking for support from the Department of Social Development to deliver a ‘Guidance Document’ to help whilst preparing the DSD inspections. It is clear that NI will be working hard to gather their thoughts and actions to create a more cohesive approach in dealing with the housing needs in NI through partnership and collaborative working.

We hope that ReACT will be able to play a part in supporting the associations by encouraging joint working when it comes to tackling ASB across NI. It was a thoroughly informative and successful conference that NIFHA had organised and made a success. We will be keeping a close eye on the activity and outcomes from the two days in Belfast. 

By Mike Blomer

Housing Minister to speak at SLCNG Conference

October 4, 2011

In what I consider to be quite a coup for the Social Landlords Crime and Nuisance Group, The Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP, Minister of State for Housing and Local Government, is confirmed to speak at their Annual Conference on 1st November being held in Solihull.

The Minister will deliver the keynote address on the afternoon of the first day of the two-day conference. We can only hope that he has something worthwhile to tell delegates and also be prepared to answer questions from the floor.

There are still delegate places available –  simply visit the to find out more about the event and book a place.  ReACT is a major sponsor of SLCNG, will be exhibiting and showcasing the all new version 4. Do come along and see us.

By Mike Blomer

SLCNG Annual Conference – reminder

September 29, 2011

Yet another reminder from me about this important conference being held on 1st and 2nd November at St. Johns Hotel, Solihull. Go to for details and a booking form.

The Conference Dinner on the evening of 1st November includes the Annual Awards. I met with fellow judges on 21st September to decide the shortlist of three for each of the award categories, the best practice, residents and team awards and the prestigious Tim Winter Award. A grand total of 57 nominations were submitted by the closing date. As in previous years, the judges, Tokunbo Okunlola from DCLG, Gez Kinsella HouseMark, Eamon Lynch Managing Director SLCNG, Roger Griffiths Chairman SLCNG and myself were faced with a difficult task in all of the categories but we got there eventually. The winners will be announced at the Conference Dinner.

Naturally ReACT will be exhibiting and showing off the new version 4 – please come along for a chat.

by Mike Blomer

Have you signed up to Respect?

August 17, 2011

Hopefully most readers will know that the Respect – ASB Charter for Housing, which has replaced the Respect Agenda, was launched at the recent CIH Annual Conference in Harrogate.

As of today (17th August) over 100 social housing landlords had signed up to the Charter which is a good start. However I urge you not be complacent. The new Charter is sufficiently different to the old Standard that it merits signing up without delay. The Charter continues to be voluntary, and is a key part of the new, co-regulatory approach within housing. It should be noted that the Charter is not intended to be a wider community safety charter – it is about landlords’ ASB services. However, the importance of partnership working in improving outcomes for service users is acknowledged throughout the Charter.

Go to for more information and to sign up.

by Mike Blomer

CIH Harrogate – A personal perspective

July 5, 2011

CIH logoDelegates and exhibitors duly assembled for the CIH Annual Conference and Exhibition for the last event to be held in Harrogate after 25 years. The move to Manchester Central Convention Complex (formerly GMEX) in 2012 has been rumoured for some time and the formal announcement by CIH and Ocean Media eventually came in a press release on 7th June that next year’s conference and exhibition will be in Manchester from 12 to 14 June.

There have been many opinions expressed about the move to Manchester. After so many years many felt at home in Harrogate, knew their way around, had favourite bars and restaurants but complained loudly about the cost of accommodation and for some the inconvenience of being forced to stay in Leeds and York and being bussed to Harrogate. Others grumbled about travel difficulties especially the train service from Leeds.

However, with the decision made, and with the expectation of easier travel and plentiful hotel rooms at competitive prices the social housing world moves on. I share the opinion of some that, in recent years the conference has, to an extent, lost its way and moving to Manchester will revitalise the event – we shall see.

As last year ReACT shared the SLCNG stand. It is very convenient to be with friends and to have the opportunity to chat with the many SLCNG members who call in. We also had a number of potential customers drop in for a demonstration of ReACT. Kate will be quite busy following up new leads during July.

In ASB terms the big event at conference was the launch of the “Respect Charter” which was sponsored by ReACT. The launch was well attended with the  announcement carried out by CIH Chief Executive Sarah Webb and a presentation by Sam McGrady, Deputy Chief Executive of HouseMark. I expect that everyone involved in ASB is well aware that the responsibility for the former Respect Standard for Housing Management has been handed to the housing sector and its makeover has been the responsibility of CIH, ably assisted by SLCNG and HouseMark. If you would like more information about “Respect – ASB Charter for Housing” go to

In terms of delegates, exhibitors and visitors my take is that numbers were down on last year. There were approximately 80 exhibitor stands less than 2010 with one hall closed and there were certainly a fair amount of empty space in the remaining four halls. Delegate and visitor numbers also appeared to be well down. This may, of course, have much to do with the economic situation which was cited so many times, I lost count. My hope is that the “buzz” around conference which existed until the last couple of years returns in Manchester.

For a very interesting article “Harrogate Memories” go to it’s worth the read.

By Mike Blomer MBE

Event Reminders

June 30, 2011

Some important dates for your diary:

12 July – HouseMark ASB Benchmarking Conference

Now in its 4th year, and sponsored by ReACT, this normally well attended event is again being held at Warwick University, Coventry. The ReACT team will be at the conference and holding a workshop session with Wolverhampton Homes. For more information go to Housemark ASB Benchmarking Conference or email

13 July – SLCNG Wales ASB Conference

Following the success of last year’s conference this one day conference will again be held at the Village Hotel, Coryton, Cardiff. The ReACT team will be at this conference. For more information go to SLCNG Wales ASB Conference or email

13 September – ReACT User Group Meeting, London

For London, the south, south east and south west, Scotland and Wales. A must for ReACT end users and IT support teams, this free-to-attend meeting will be the launch of the new ReACT version 4 and feature other useful sessions. The venue is Twickenham Rugby Stadium. For more information email:

 15 September – ReACT User Group Meeting, Derby

For Wales, Scotland, the midlands, east, north east and north west. Programme as above with the venue at the Derby Conference Centre. For more information email:

 1 – 2 November – SLCNG Annual Conference and Awards

The prestigious SLCNG Awards, sponsored by ReACT, will be made at the conference dinner on 1st November. For information about the awards go to the SLCNG Awards page.

 The two day SLCNG Annual Conference is the largest event of its type with leaders in the field attending as both speakers and delegates. Don’t miss your chance to ensure you are up to date with Anti- Social Behaviour, crime and nuisance issues. The venue is St. Johns Hotel, Solihull close to Birmingham. The conference includes a small exhibition and the ReACT team will be there. For more information email

Mike Blomer MBE

SLCNG Annual Conference & Exhibition

September 17, 2010

social landlords logoA reminder to our readers that the SLCNG Annual Conference and Exhibition will be held on Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd November 2010 at the Hilton Metropole Hotel, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham.

The event is the largest of its type and includes the annual SLCNG awards which at the closing date on 10th September had received over 80 nominations for the four award groups. ReACT sponsors the “group” award “for exemplary practice by a group or a team in resolving ASB incidents or issues in a specific neighbourhood and delivering measurable results”.

As in previous years ReACT Team member Mike Blomer sits on the judging panel. Mike undertakes to “declare an interest” if a ReACT customer is in the running for the group award.

For more information about the conference, download the SLCNG delegate flyer, or go to: